Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Cyberbullying in Online Learning

Evidence on Cyberbullying:

Prevalence: 15-35% of students report experiencing cyberbullying.
Impact on Learning: Leads to anxiety, depression, lower self-esteem, decreased participation, and lower academic achievement.
Psychological and Social Effects: Causes mental health issues and social withdrawal, impacting collaborative learning and engagement.

Key Concepts for Understanding the Evidence:

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL):

Definition: Developing skills to manage emotions and relationships.
Application: SEL programs build resilience and conflict-resolution skills.

Ecological Systems Theory:

Definition: Examines the influence of various environmental systems.
Application: Helps create comprehensive anti-cyberbullying strategies involving parents, teachers, and online platforms.

Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions:

Definition: Focus on changing negative behaviors and thoughts.
Application: Teaches coping strategies and assertiveness to reduce bullying and support victims.

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB):

Definition: Behavior is driven by attitudes, norms, and perceived control.
Application: Guides interventions to change attitudes toward cyberbullying and promote supportive peer norms.