Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

What do we mean by the social mind? In what ways is thinking 'inside your head' also social thinking? How do community and culture shape learning?

Provide an example of a learning experience that exercises 'the social mind.' ?How does this expand on learning beyond the individual mind Or, What is collective intelligence? What are the processes and benefits of collaborative learning? Illustrate with an example. Or, describe a moment of learning in a community of practice. What are the dynamics of learning in this example?


Provide an example of a learning experience that exercises 'the social mind.' ?How does this expand on learning beyond the individual mind

Social Mind encode, analyze, store, and use information about the people we meet and the connections that define us through social mind. "The social mind" examines the theories that have been proposed to explain how the social mind accomplishes this, including Fritz Heider's "naive scientists," who create mental models to represent how the world functions, attribution theory, Kelley's 1967 co-variation model, attributional bias, Fiske and Taylor's "cognitive misers," who rely on time-saving mental shortcuts known as heuristics, social priming, schemas, scripts, and stereotypes. Studies have shown that we are motivated tacticians who employ the continuum model of impression creation. Depending on the circumstance, we can be either naive scientists or cognitive misers, for example when utilizing social media applications, for instance, it might lead to addiction if it affects our attention, emotion, and decision-making. Social Mind is how we process information, retain information, or recall information.

What is collective intelligence?

When people work together and engage with one another within a group or community, collective intelligence refers to the shared knowledge, abilities, and insights that result from their interactions. To solve complicated problems, make decisions, or come up with novel solutions, it entails utilizing the many viewpoints, experiences, and knowledge of individuals. In many cases, this idea entails the use of technological networks and platforms to encourage communication and collaboration among people, producing results that are more informed and efficient than those attained by any one person

The ability of a team or a group to accomplish a wide range of jobs and solve a wide range of issues is referred to as collective intelligence. There are 4 key principles that can help you design in effective gathering intelligence, 1.increase the diversity of the people you involve and the opinions you listen to different experienced people and have their own pespective 2. allow for independent, unrestricted, and group thinking while allowing for the contribution of views and ideas 3.Be citizen-centered and consider data empowerment rather than extraction. Combine various data kinds to provide new insights.. Collective intelligence has been found to be consistently predictive of the future performance of groups and teams.

What are the processes and benefits of collaborative learning? Illustrate with an example

Collaborative learning entails helping one another or working in teams where we can find friends. It also entails sharing ideas and thoughts in order to accomplish goals. For instance, in the classroom, if your teacher assigns you to a group for a project or assignment, you will complete it through teamwork and the team will benefit from your accomplishment because it will foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, a sense of community, teamwork, and negotiation.

Describe a moment of learning in a community of practice. What are the dynamics of learning in this example?

What is a Community of Practice are groups ofpeople who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly,its a kind community where members acquire new ideas and accept reponsibilityfor making a certain organization works

School is an example of a learning community because it offers the benefits listed below. First, participation increases the likelihood of academic success. We all know that people who are academically successful and have a high level of education are more likely to be automatically employed when they find a job and that having more employment opportunities waiting increases our chances of getting one. Additionally, students perform better when they are a part of our learning community because they are more engaged. When students are part of a learning community, they demonstrate higher levels of integration, increase their productivity and efficiency, learn critical skills that will help them succeed in the future, maintain mental stability, make lifelong friends, and have a positive impact on their daily lives.




