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According to the behaviorist learning theory, all behaviors are learned through conditioning, and conditioning takes place as a result of interactions with the environment. According to behaviorists, environmental cues influence how we behave. One of the main concepts of behaviorist theory is Operant conditioning discovered by B.F Skinner an American psychologist in the mid 20th century and the father of operant conditioning, often known as instrumental conditioning, is one of the key ideas in behaviorism. It is a type of learning that use incentives and punishments to change behavior. Through operant training, actions that are rewarded are more likely to be repeated than actions that are subject to punishment

Example for this If you have a dog that you want to train well and you are teaching him to do some tricks like sitting, playing basketball, or learning how to roll, it's time to give him an ongoing reward according to Burrhus Frederic Skinner's theory of operant conditioning, which deals with positive reinforcement,If you use it with your students, We can apply this also to human being especially if you work as a teacher, it will assist keep them motivated all the time to pursue their goals, Other than positive reinforcement, we can also use negative reinforcement to stop unfavorable behavior. For instance, in the classroom, the teacher may ask students to behave by saying, "Please be silent or we will have a long quiz; in exchange, I will give you a chocolate." This strategy always works because a long quiz is a punishment and a chocolate for each student is a reward, According to B.F. Skinner, punishment is ineffective, thus we shouldn't overuse it. Instead, we should take into account how the learners see their own mistakes and learn from them. All we need to do is control the enviroment

B.F. Skinner doesn't truly believe in free will after reading about behaviorism; he thinks that free will was exercised independently of the environment. People make decisions based on their prior experiences, which can be the outcome of rewards or punishment.

Before anything else, we must define intelligence.Francis Galton defined intelligence as having the best sensory abilities, which means that you are considered intelligent if you have good senses. Alfred Binet defined intelligence as having the capacity to solve issues. Reasoning, judgment, memory, and abstraction are its components. Other scientists, like as David Wechster and Louis Thrustone, have characterized intelligence. For us to live a decent life or survive, we must be able to handle difficulties in our daily lives utilizing our talents, senses, and other mental abilities. Intelligence can be a hereditary trait from our family or it can be developed.

There are many methods for developing intelligence tests, including IQ tests, diagnostic tests, summative tests, aptitude tests, pre-tests, achievement tests, mastery tests, and more. One of the most controversial subjects in psychology is intelligence, but in my opinion, intelligence has a lot more to do with how you use it to live a normal life than to do with how well youAccording to the behaviorist learning theory, all behaviors are learned through conditioning, and conditioning takes place as a result of interactions with the environment. According to behaviorists, environmental cues influence how we behave. One of the main concepts of behaviorist theory is Operant conditioning discovered by B.F Skinner an American psychologist in the mid 20th century and the father of operant conditioning, often known as instrumental conditioning, is one of the key ideas in behaviorism. It is a type of learning that use incentives and punishments to change behavior. Through operant training, actions that are rewarded are more likely to be repeated than actions that are subject to punishment

Example for this If you have a dog that you want to train well and you are teaching him to do some tricks like sitting, playing basketball, or learning how to roll, it's time to give him an ongoing reward according to Burrhus Frederic Skinner's theory of operant conditioning, which deals with positive reinforcement,If you use it with your students, We can apply this also to human being especially if you work as a teacher, it will assist keep them motivated all the time to pursue their goals, Other than positive reinforcement, we can also use negative reinforcement to stop unfavorable behavior. For instance, in the classroom, the teacher may ask students to behave by saying, "Please be silent or we will have a long quiz; in exchange, I will give you a chocolate." This strategy always works because a long quiz is a punishment and a chocolate for each student is a reward, According to B.F. Skinner, punishment is ineffective, thus we shouldn't overuse it. Instead, we should take into account how the learners see their own mistakes and learn from them. All we need to do is control the enviroment

B.F. Skinner doesn't truly believe in free will after reading about behaviorism; he thinks that free will was exercised independently of the environment. People make decisions based on their prior experiences, which can be the outcome of rewards or punishment.

Before anything else, we must define intelligence.Francis Galton defined intelligence as having the best sensory abilities, which means that you are considered intelligent if you have good senses. Alfred Binet defined intelligence as having the capacity to solve issues. Reasoning, judgment, memory, and abstraction are its components. Other scientists, like as David Wechster and Louis Thrustone, have characterized intelligence. For us to live a decent life or survive, we must be able to handle difficulties in our daily lives utilizing our talents, senses, and other mental abilities. Intelligence can be a hereditary trait from our family or it can be developed.

There are many methods for developing intelligence tests, including IQ tests, diagnostic tests, summative tests, aptitude tests, pre-tests, achievement tests, mastery tests, and more. One of the most controversial subjects in psychology is intelligence, but in my opinion, intelligence has a lot more to do with how you use it to live a normal life than to do with how well you