Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Peer Asgnmnt Option 1: SEL in Bullying Prevention

An area of socio-behavioral learning under SEL that I find interesting in relation to bullying prevention is the thought or process of emotion management. Sometimes people tend to let their emotions get the best of them, but if we’re able to manage our emotions, it means that we might just have control over different situations most of the time. Emotion management can be done by first identifying your emotions, then we can start on how to react or manifest this emotion. After that, we can think of how our emotions and manifestations may affect others. This is a great tool in bullying prevention because a person can use this with whichever situation or side of bullying, he or she is. As a bystander, when we see someone being victimized by an aggressor, we have to stop and think of how this behavior makes us feel. Is this form of aggression towards others making us uncomfortable? Or is it something we find okay because it doesn’t directly affect us? If it makes us uncomfortable, then we can definitely try to intervene in the situation. If we’re okay with it, then we have to do a further self-check because if we don’t find anything wrong with witnessing others getting bullied, what does it make us? Or what will that make us in the future? In the standpoint of a victim, how do I feel when someone is trying to demean, humiliate, or intimidate me? I have to identify the emotions that comes through me so I know how I will respond. Some people may be okay of being picked on because they feel indifferent or just totally don’t care. And in the standpoint of the aggressor, I have to check at some point my emotions when I’m being aggressive towards someone else. What are the emotions I get when I bully other people? Perhaps it makes me feel powerful or popular or cool. If feeling these positive emotions are at the expense of others, should I continue doing it? What kind of a person does that make me? Managing our emotions will help us make better decisions, choose a path between right or wrong.

  • Firdes Ismail