Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Update number 2 - Mugdha Naik

Comment: What do we mean by the social mind? In what ways is thinking 'inside your head' also social thinking? How do community and culture shape learning?

Make an Update: Suggestions – provide an example of a learning experience that exercises 'the social mind.' How does this expand on learning beyond the individual mind? Or, what is collective intelligence? What are the processes and benefits of collaborative learning? Illustrate with an example. Or, describe a moment of learning in a community of practice. What are the dynamics of learning in this example?


Social mind means that “intelligence is collectively produced and it’s not something that is just between individual ears.” The way we think and learn is basically a by-product of our environment, our upbringing. The culture back at home has the biggest impact on the way an individual shapes up. Now this thinking ‘inside your head’ makes you react or comment on topics discussed within a community. This knowledge sharing then enables the members of a specific group or community gain newer insights which if they are as per their thinking, get accepted. This helps in shaping the learning and eventually helps in defining the “Culture” of a specific group or community.


Update Number 2 - provide an example of a learning experience that exercises 'the social mind.' How does this expand on learning beyond the individual mind? Or, what is collective intelligence? What are the processes and benefits of collaborative learning? Illustrate with an example. Or, describe a moment of learning in a community of practice. What are the dynamics of learning in this example?

Answer – The first example that came to my mind was that of a healthy debate in an MBA college. So what happens in a typical debate is there is a topic given to the students and they then have some time limit to jot down their ideas and then are asked to commence the debate. Some might oppose the topic (against) and the others are (for) of the same opinion. It’s amazing how innovative perspectives get shared during a healthy debate. So what happens is learning goes beyond the individual mind and we start thinking or learning about things from a different perspective. Which might even end up in you changing your opinion, if the facts and figures are laid out straight and to-the-point. This is a classic example of learning that happens together – “collaborative learning”.

Another example can be that of a community of people with specific interest or specific illness. For example – someone living with a Schizophrenia patient (family or friend). Usually such topics aren’t discussed publicly because of the stigma associated to it. Which leads to family members/friends of a Schizophrenic to be left utterly clueless as to whats expected out of them? Here, communities where other such people across the globe who deal with this come together & ideas are shared or thoughts are expressed as to what helped them cope better. This leads to learning for something very specific and helps family members/friends help their loved ones better.