Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Shares

  • When are standardized tests at their best?

    When are standardized tests at their best?

  • The art of feedback

    I believe feedback plays a vital role in the educational process. Here is an example of effective feedback from my point of view.

  • Alternative Assessment

    Alternative Assessment

  • Global learning


  • Video learning

    Videos increase student engagement, which in turn helps boost achievement. If students are interested in the material, they will process and remember it better. ... Digital videos facilitate remote learning opportunities so that teachers can reach students from all over the world. Through videos, anybody can do self-study. The videos, audios and webinars help students to learn something for which a teacher would be required otherwise. The best part is, this self-study technique leaves a powerful impact on the brain, which might even be better than reading the same lesson from a book. Most people need visual aids to learn, which could be the main reason why is video better than text. Viewers retain 95% of a video’s messages as compared to 10% when reading the text. Advantages: Videos capture an audience's attention immediately. Sometimes beginning presentation with a video is exactly what an audience needs to “wake up” and pay attention to what the presenter has to say. Videos appeal to all levels of learners and learning style. Benefits of Video-Based Learning 1. Better results in a shorter time :Our brain understands visual information better than text, and video images remain in memory much longer. In other words, watching a video lesson helps you spend less time learning the material and keep it in memory longer. 2. No schedule conflict :There’s no need to provide lessons after work or send employees to training sessions in another city. They can watch a video anytime and anywhere it’s convenient for them: in bed before going to sleep, in line at the bank, or during lunch at work. 3. Fewer employee training costs: Many well-known companies use video-based learning in some way. Thus, they managed not only to involve employees and improve training effectiveness, but also to reduce training costs. For example, IBM has an entire YouTube channel for employee training. The content varies from live-action videos to animated and screen-recorded lectures. 4. Works for almost any knowledge field: Instructional videos make learning visual, so you can create them on almost any topic. For example, Roux be Culinary Online School launched video courses for those who want to learn how to cook professionally.


    The Woodcock-Johnson Tests is a valid and reliable assessment tool of both cognitive abilities and achievement among children and adults. It is based on the most current theoretical model of intelligence, the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory. The test involves three instruments that measure achievement, cognitive abilities, and oral language. The broad skills measured are Long-Term Retrieval, Auditory Processing, Fluid Reasoning, Processing Speed, Short-Term Memory, Visual-Spatial Thinking, Comprehension-Knowledge, Reading-Writing, and Quantitative Knowledge. Strength: The test is a valuable diagnostic tool that identifies children with disabilities (learning disabilities, autism, visual impairment, and following head injury The test can be given to individuals between ages two to 99. Weakness: the test is administered in school and psychologist office and is costly .