Activity Stream

  • Seema Lal

    Seema Lal posted a new update…

    Give Me Libery or Give Me Death Rhetoric

    Patrick Henry uses rhetoric when comparing the colonists as slaves being treated poorly by the British. In his statement he says "They are sent over to bind and rivet upon those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging" He also us...More

  • Seema Lal

    Seema Lal three new peers:

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava has one new peer:

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava posted a new update…

    Olive Branch Petition

    In the Olive Branch Petition, the author uses very formal lanuage to show that the colonist wanted peace from the king and not the british. A quotation would be "the most glorious and advantagious that ever had been carried on my British arms...exer...More

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava two new peers:

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava posted a new update…

    Purpose of the Olive Branch Petition

    The purpose of the Olive Branch Petition was to declare of the rights of the colonists while maintaining loyalty to the British. King George refused to read the Olive Branch Petition but then decided to reject the petition. Common Sense was to be th...More

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava has one new peer:

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava posted a new update…

    Cause of the Revolutionary war

    The Colonists were very concerned about one cause from the revolutionary war called The Boston Massacre, which was when a snowball fight between bostonians and british turned into an armed battle. This fight caused many people to be injured and 5 we...More

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava has one new peer:

  • Seema Lal

    Seema Lal has one new peer:

  • Seema Lal

    Seema Lal posted a new update…

    Response to Prompt: Why colonists were concerned about a particular issue? and how do you think the new government would address it?

    The intolerable act was about the set of laws that the British Parliament had put on to Massachusetts as a punishment for the Boston Tea Party. The colonists were concerned about this issue because they felt as though this was a complete threat to t...More

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava joined one community:

    Added on August 18, 2017

  • Seema Lal

    Seema Lal joined one community:

    Added on August 18, 2017

  • Jacob Shoemaker

    Jacob Shoemaker two new peers:

  • Seema Lal

    Seema Lal joined one community:

    Added on August 16, 2017