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  • AkashaFobbs

    Akasha Fobbs commented on Give me Liberty or Dive me Death Rhetoric Response...

    I understand Jacob how you say that rhetoric is being used to enhance the message he is trying to get across. Just like the Olive Branch of Petition, which I did, rhetoric is used in the document to reach a goal. The goal that they have, is to get...More

  • Jacob Barriga

    Jacob Barriga posted a new update…

    Give me Liberty or Dive me Death Rhetoric Response

    Patrcick Henry made his his speech adressing then problems with Britian. He used rehotic phrases to enhance his speech by adressing problems hoe Britain is using them like slaves, when he said, " They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those ch...More

  • Akasha Fobbs

    Akasha Fobbs has one new peer:

  • Jacob Barriga

    Jacob Barriga three new peers:

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava has one new peer:

  • Akasha Fobbs

    Akasha Fobbs posted a new update…

    Olive Branch Petition

    The author of the Olive Branch Petition uses rhetoric to enhance his argument by trying to persuade the King of Great Britain with complementory language that makes the King, his descendants and his parliament seem as though they are almighty. By co...More

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava posted a new update…

    Olive Branch Petition

    In the Olive Branch Petition, the author uses very formal lanuage to show that the colonist wanted peace from the king and not the british. A quotation would be "the most glorious and advantagious that ever had been carried on my British arms...exer...More

  • JacobShoemaker

    Jacob Shoemaker commented on The Stamp Act of 1765...

    How do you think this would this be addressed by a government in the future?

  • Akasha Fobbs

    Akasha Fobbs has one new peer:

  • Jacob Barriga

    Jacob Barriga two new peers:

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava two new peers:

  • Jacob Barriga

    Jacob Barriga posted a new update…

    The Stamp Act of 1765

    Due to the Stamp act of 1765 where people had to pay a tax for every document and paper written that needed a stamp that you could get. This meant that britain got direct money through tax. People wer not happy with the way Britain just imposed a ta...More

  • Akasha Fobbs

    Akasha Fobbs posted a new update…

    Synthesis Paragraph: Revolutionary War

    Colonists were concerned about the Stamp Act because it taxed everything that was a written document which, in their eyes, was unnecessary. The British just wanted to make money off of them no matter what. The Americans were also angry that a tax wa...More

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava posted a new update…

    Purpose of the Olive Branch Petition

    The purpose of the Olive Branch Petition was to declare of the rights of the colonists while maintaining loyalty to the British. King George refused to read the Olive Branch Petition but then decided to reject the petition. Common Sense was to be th...More

  • Jasmin Lopez-Nava

    Jasmin Lopez-Nava has one new peer: