Khurram Ghullamani’s Updates

Introduction: Khurram Ghullamani

Hi! My name is Khurram Ghullamani. I am a junior at UIUC, studying Computer Science. My focus in Computer Science is towards web and mobile application development. I am originally from Karachi, Pakistan, but moved to Chicago at the age of 5, and thus consider myself a "Chicagoan." I love watching and playing sports. My favorite teams, of course, are the Chicago Bulls and the Chicago Bears (although neither team is doing well right now). 

In high school, I took AP Environmental Science, a course that I did not like at the time. However, when I look back, I realize that the course changed my attitude towards the environment and deepened my understanding of the roles that humans play as stewards towards the Earth. I decided to take this course to somewhat further that understanding.

I hope to learn a lot from this course, not only from the course material, but also from reading and responding to your posts!

  • Kara Leslie
  • Danish Noorani