Khurram Ghullamani’s Updates

  • Week 8 Journal

                I believe that it is extremely important to consider the market and build feasibility of one’s product. It is extremely easy to get carried away with high-level ideas regarding the product. Yet, there has to be a sense of realism when de...More

  • Week 7 Journal

                On the 31st of December each year, I along with millions of other individuals make resolutions for the upcoming year. These can be as simple as exercising everyday or as complicated as to stop drinking alcohol. However, most of these res...More

  • Week 6 Journal

                This week’s lecture and assignments really got me thinking about the entire design process. Last semester, I took a course in UI/UX design and this semester, I am interning at a startup where I see the entire design process in action. I...More

  • Week 5 Journal

                This week really showed me how to assess individual and situational needs. My understanding of needs coming into the lecture was that needs should be assessed based on observations. However, one thing that I learned from this lecture was...More

  • Week 4 Journal

                This was not the first time I had heard about Human Centered Design. However, this was the first time I heard about it described as Hear-Create-Deliver. In my opinion, the latter definition of HCD better fits how the design process shoul...More

  • Week 3 Journal

                Before, when I thought about medical technology, I thought of X-ray machines and scalpels (I watch too much Grey’s Anatomy and House). It was astonishing for me to see that things that are “everyday” items for me (phone, glasses) are not...More

  • Week 2 Journal

                This week’s lecture forced me to think about the inequality that exists, not only between Sierra Leone and the United States, but also between the developed and developing worlds. There is a quote by Aga Khan IV, in which he says,


  • Week 1 Journal

    After one week of ENG 298, I think the course is off to a great start. I think that Scholar is a great tool to communicate with other class members, as opposed to Moodle or Compass because using the tool to communicate feels more like a conversation...More

  • Introduction: Khurram Ghullamani

    Hi! My name is Khurram Ghullamani. I am a junior at UIUC, studying Computer Science. My focus in Computer Science is towards web and mobile application development. I am originally from Karachi, Pakistan, but moved to Chicago at the age of 5, and th...More