Khurram Ghullamani’s Updates

Week 6 Journal

            This week’s lecture and assignments really got me thinking about the entire design process. Last semester, I took a course in UI/UX design and this semester, I am interning at a startup where I see the entire design process in action. I was able to apply everything that I have learned to a small example of prototyping and testing.

            One thing that really intrigues me about the design process is the element of failure. In most situations, failure is considered something to be avoided. However, when designing, you learn the most through failure. It is beneficial for the designers to fail rather than the consumer using the product. When designing a prototype, failure teaches you about what works and what doesn’t work. That is why, when designing a prototype, it is easier to fail at an earlier, low-fidelity stage rather than at a later, higher fidelity stage.

            Another intriguing idea about prototyping is that it allows you to filter out details that don’t necessarily matter. One may only want to test certain features or elements of a design at one time. For example, before testing the technology associated with a camcorder, one may want to prototype its usability, and comfort with cheaper materials, such as Styrofoam. This low-fidelity prototyping allows one to filter out the technology and focus solely on materials and comfort. This idea of filtering not only saves time and money, but also allows for a directed focus towards one element.