Khurram Ghullamani’s Updates

Week 8 Journal

            I believe that it is extremely important to consider the market and build feasibility of one’s product. It is extremely easy to get carried away with high-level ideas regarding the product. Yet, there has to be a sense of realism when designing the product. This sense of realism allows one to design for a wider audience rather than only for those who can afford the product.

            I think that prototyping makes it easier to “come back down to Earth” with one’s ideas. With prototyping, one sees the caveats with the design, the implementation and the overall idea. However, I think that prototyping should not stop you from experimenting with bigger ideas. The CEO of the current company that I am interning at often says, “I don’t believe in engineering limitations.” While his statement is a literal exaggeration, I do believe that there is some truth in his argument. Engineering is as much a science as it is an art. As such, limitations only exist when creativity is put on a leash.

            As I reflect on the past 8 weeks, I realize how much I have been able to apply what I had learned in the past to one, grand idea. I had taken courses in user design/user experience, engineering and had done some intern work at an early stage startup. I was able to take all those experiences and combine them into one big project. This was an experience that I will keep in mind during my future endeavors.