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Intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a numerical measure of your knowledge and intelligence base. Some schools require IQ testing for their students and use it as a way to gauge how students are doing and apply for financial aid. The problem is that IQ testing doesn't paint the full picture of a person's intelligence; the Wechsler test and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, which are both commonly used to score IQ rate on a scale of around 70 to around 165, says the U.S. National Library of Medicine, and the results can be inconclusive.

IQ tests can limit student potential and perpetuate stereotypes within a classroom setting. The scale for an IQ test is decided upon by scoring the answers to the questions to come up with a single number that represents the individual's intelligence. Unfortunately, that one number cannot possibly detail the breadth of someone's intelligence, says the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. Furthermore, IQ tests are an ineffective way to measure intelligence, as intelligence itself is made up of different facets, subjects and talents. IQ tests are poor predictors of socioeconomic and vocation success.

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