e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Augmented Reality

One concept that has not been addressed yet is "Augmented Reality (AR) in e-Learning".

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes computer-generated content onto a user's view of the real world. In e-Learning, AR can be used to create interactive and immersive learning experiences that enhance the learner's engagement and understanding of the subject matter. AR can be used in various ways in e-Learning, such as providing visualizations, simulations, or gamified learning experiences.

For example, a medical student can use AR to visualize and interact with a 3D model of the human body, allowing them to explore and understand the anatomy in a more engaging and interactive way. Similarly, an engineering student can use AR to simulate and test various design prototypes, allowing them to experiment and learn without the need for physical prototypes.

AR can also be used to create gamified learning experiences that motivate learners to engage with the material. For instance, a language learning app can use AR to create a virtual scavenger hunt, where learners have to find and identify objects in the real world that correspond to the language they are learning.

AR technology is becoming more accessible and affordable, making it easier for e-Learning designers and developers to incorporate AR into their learning materials. With the increasing use of mobile devices and wearables, AR is poised to become a mainstream technology in e-Learning.


- What is Augmented Reality (AR)? - Definition from Techopedia:https://www.techopedia.com/definition/27909/augmented-reality-ar
- Augmented Reality in Education: A Guide for Teachers: https://www.educationtechnologysolutions.com.au/2018/09/augmented-reality-in-education-a-guide-for-teachers/
- The Potential of Augmented Reality in Higher Education: https://er.educause.edu/articles/2018/5/the-potential-of-augmented-reality-in-higher-education

  • Nikki Maguire
  • Audah Ali