e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Bite-sized courses

Bite-sized courses are short online courses, which generally give opportunity to learn a specific topic within short time, for instance, 3-4 hours.

These courses tend to be self-paced, and therefore, they are essential parts of the lifelong learning model, because this way learning becomes available to anyone. Even spending 5 minutes on learning is clearly defined as progress, which results in a greater sense of achievement when we are completing a module than for example, attending 5 traditional in-person classes.

However, these courses lack human interaction, therefore, the social motivation is missing, which is normally present in face-to-face lessons, bite-sized courses do have numerous advantages, which can mean a way to the future of education. They are shorter, therefore, it takes less time to complete them, gives the knowledge and its proof earlier than in the traditional education, they are self-paced, so ubiquitous learning takes place, to summarize, they give the flexibility people need in the modern world. In addition, they can be considered cost-efficient learning solutions too, however, the certificates they give do not have the prestige of degrees.

Regarding bite-sized courses, I would like to emphasise the Datacamp platform, which provides hundreds of data science related courses. You can find here general and very specific courses as well, 3-year-old courses and brand new ones too, and however, there are some recommended tracks that you can choose from, you can feel free to pick any of their courses, therefore, you can build up your own skillset.

In conclusion, bite-sized courses seem to be one of the tools which do not just provide the flexibility we need, but also enable us to upskill, re-skill ourselves driven by our own motivation, therefore, they can be a tool to reform education.

  • Miro Yix706
  • M. Shahid
  • sheerazmeerkhatri0021 meerkhatrishah0210
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