e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Louis Lefebvre - Game Design

Hello World !

I am a french canadian studying in Montreal. I'm currently in Video Game Creation bachelor. My interest revolves around User Experience, Data Analytics and Gamification. I can't wait to finish this next year before looking for an actual job !

I am invested in digital apps, although, I try to avoid social media as much as I can, I found them overstimulating and not very useful. Apps I enjoy using are: Spotify, Chess, Duolingo and Messenger.

I will say that I am pretty new to e-learning in general but I do have some experiences as a coach/teacher, as well as a strong passion for gamification. That explains my new interest for e-learning.

In this course, I hope I can learn some updated fundamentals about e-learning, best practices, interesting studies to back up the content, etc.

Have a great day,

Louis L.