e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Nice to meet you!

Hello, everyone! My name is Kate, and I am a teacher. My job is to teach Russian-speaking people a foreign language online. I've been working as an online teacher for 3 years and I think I've learnt a lot about online tools so far. However, I know I don't get the most out of it, and I always grasp the opportunity to improve myself, so I am here! I have worked with different platforms such as Miro, Edivde (Progressme), Zoom, Google Meet and others, and I've always tried to use them in the most effective way. I am also trying to keep up with the times and use different artificial neural networks in my work regularly, trying to find the best prompts.

I hope this course will give me the overall picture of the situation in modern education and share useful tips and principals which I'll be able to implement into my work. Wish y'all to find what you were searching for here!
