Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

  • Learning Management Systems and Analytics: Blackboard

    The integration of learning analytics into educational environments is still pretty much in its early experimental stages. It does seem to hold the potential for transforming education by personalizing learning, enhancing engagement, and improving o...More

  • Assessment by Case Studies and Scenarios

    Standardised Assessments are designed for uniformity and comparability, focusing on objective measurement and consistency across test takers. Their conceptual framework is relatively recent, dating back to the beginning of the 20th century and put a...More

  • Intelligence Versus Knowledge Testing

    As defined in the Oxford English Dictionary intelligence is “the faculty of understanding; intellect. Also as a count noun: a mental manifestation of this faculty, a capacity to understand”. Intelligence is widely accepted to be mostly an innate tra...More

  • Evaluation of Full Scale IQ Test

    Why is it good?

    Online IQ tests can satisfy curiosity about one’s cognitive abilities They offer a quick, informal way to engage with cognitive challenges

    Usually, they involve solving puzzles and brain teasers in online tests, which can provide...More

  • Educational Evaluation: Its Necessity and Methods

    Hello everyone, I'm posting a part of the final assignment. Please have a look and leave any comments. It'd be great if you could review the assignment on Coursera(link)as well -- it's been two weeks since I submitted the assignment, but it hasn't...More

  • Intelligence Testing

    Intelligence Testing measures a person's general cognitive abilities and potential. These tests focus on Evaluates problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, abstract thinking, memory, and processing speed. Examples of Intelligence tests are IQ test...More

  • Standardized Tests

    Standardized tests are most effective when used as part of a broader assessment strategy that includes multiple measures of student learning and development. They provide valuable data for benchmarking and accountability but should be complemented w...More

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

    One example of an intelligence test is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), which is widely used to assess intelligence in adults. The WAIS consists of several subtests that measure various cognitive abilities, including verbal comprehensio...More

  • Pros and Cons: Standardised Testing






  • Educational evaluation

    Educational evaluation is acquiring and analyzing data to determine how each student's behavior evolves during their academic career. Evaluation is a continual process more interested in a student's informal academic growth than their formal academi...More