Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Testing knowledge

Testing intelligence shoud be done in context, since regardign the cultural and social development the questions cannot be standardized, which makes the testing part more difficult. Hence, testing for knwoledge can be standardized if we set a program for an entire communty or country. In my opinion, testing knowledge is useful just for schools purposes, and testing intelligence, only concerns the person per se. We might evaluate better whether the students' understanding of living. Social skills are more important than knowing who won waterloo battle. I would rather prefer to know how are my students development their empathy, the entrepeurnship than a number.

If you check MENSA test, it is created for English native speakers, who not only know about abstract and space location, but also about maths. Knowing math cannot be a source of native intelligence. Take a look on Beethoven, he was a music genius but not necessarly a math mind.

  • Vincent McCall