Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Proposed Educational Evaluation Outline

Proposed Educational Evaluation Outline:
"Evaluating the Impact of Technology-Integrated Teaching on Student Engagement and Performance in High School Mathematics"

1. Introduction:

Purpose of Evaluation: To assess the effectiveness of technology-integrated teaching methods in enhancing student engagement and academic performance in high school mathematics.
Context: With the increasing integration of technology in education, it is critical to understand its impact on student learning, particularly in subjects like mathematics where engagement and understanding are crucial.

2. Research Questions:

How does the integration of technology in mathematics teaching affect student engagement?
What is the impact of technology-integrated teaching on students' academic performance in mathematics?
How do students perceive the use of technology in learning mathematics?

3. Methodology:

Participants: High school students from various backgrounds in a technology-rich school district.
Data Collection Methods:

Quantitative data through pre- and post-test scores in mathematics.
Qualitative data from student and teacher surveys, focus groups, and interviews.
Classroom observations to assess the level and types of engagement.