Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Comparing Standardized Tests and Portfolios: Assessing Learning Diversity and Depth

Traditional standardized assessments assume a universal measure of learning, focusing on narrow skills and often favoring test-taking abilities. This can disadvantage diverse learners and lead to stress and memorization-focused learning. Alternative assessments, like portfolios, offer a more comprehensive view of student capabilities by showcasing their work and progress over time. Portfolios allow personalization, encouraging students to highlight their strengths and interests. They foster critical thinking, creativity, and self-assessment skills often overlooked in standardized tests. However, grading portfolios can be subjective and time-consuming, requiring clear evaluation criteria. They also might demand resources that some students or schools might lack, potentially creating disparities. Despite challenges, alternative assessments like portfolios provide a richer understanding of a student's abilities, addressing some limitations of standardized tests while requiring careful planning and investment.