Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Adequately Managing Teacher Evaluation

The influence of teachers on student achievement has long been recognized. As a result, teacher assessment has received a lot of policy attention. Our suggestions for teacher assessment include putting greater focus on enhancing instruction as rather to evaluating teachers according to their efficiency.

  • At summative end-of-year evaluations, feedback is given.
  • Principals and HOD lack the time to gather adequate data for meaningful discussions regarding practice and its advancement.
  • The context, complexity, and needs of the teacher are not reflected in observation measures.
  • It is erroneous, unproductive, and unfair to evaluate teachers based on occasional, advertised classroom visits. Principals should visit every classroom at least once a month for quick, unannounced visits and face-to-face chats in order to see how teachers are doing on a daily basis.

What my school could possibly look like if this issue was resolved:

  • Results from an effective assessment are valid, dependable, and provide development-related recommendations and actions.
  • The outcomes of evaluations will be linked to all professional development.
  • Keep good teachers in the classroom by recognizing them.
  • Aid all educators in enhancing their performance
  • The goal of evaluation will be understood by school administrators and teachers to be a "coherent, comprehensive, and coordinated approach to improving teaching quality." It will also be seen as a component of a larger interconnected and complex system that aims to reach, educate, and support all students in their pursuit of continuous improvement.