Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Utilization of a standardized test for College Admission

Accepting students in various colleges/universities may require the use of any standardized test. For instance, when I applied in a state university four years ago, I had to take the university's entrance exam. The exam covers several fields such as Science, English, Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, etc. Each section of the test compose of 75-100 items of questions. According to the admission officer, the result of the said test could provide a valid and acceptable IQ result, given the reference of the exam used. In my case, I did not get the chance to know my score, I only knew that I was accepted for the degree that I was applying for. This makes sense, since we know that the resulting score could also provide the test-takers' IQ level, scores should not be displayed publicly -- unless it's those of students who topped the test against all the other test taker. Probably one of it's major weakness it that it takes so much time to administer, and that it can only be administered with the help of professionals. This is to secure the validity of the result for better decision to either reject or accept the partcipant for a range (or specific) program they intend to apply to.

  • Elmetwally Aly