Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

MOOC peer community disfunctional?

@STA. ANA, MAE wrote on Coursera that at least one of her assignments went unreviewed for a long time:

Hello everyone! Since I couldn't find how to share my submission link here, may I just request everyone to please continue reviewing other peers work even though you have been reviewed enough work for you to finish the course. Some of us, including me, have been waiting for so long to recieve a grade in our submission. I badly need my grade as soon as possible or before the half of the month of march because the cert in this course is needed. I/we really do appreciate your kind consideration and understanding. Also asking help from the staff of this course. Please do help us ma'am/sir. Thank you so much everyone.

Somehow the ease of interaction between CG-Scholar and Coursera must have changed since the course was conceived. I can confirm that, in Coursera, creating a working hyperlink to CG-Scholar may need multiple attempts (what works for me is first creating a Graded Assignment Submission, and then edit it to insert a hyperlink). What certainly doesn't work is just pasting an URL to the Assignment text.

The takeaway is: IT has many stakeholders and it's subject to constant change. Unless "automated assessment" is a core feature of the IT system dependencies may break at any time. Using IT systems for "Assessment for Learning" can tangle the teacher (or the peer community) with the IT system which results in what Peen calls Intellectual Debt, delayed labor in the technical system archectural design that leads to a growing amount of toil [1].

[1] Penn, Jonnie. "3.3 Intellectual debt". "Algorithmic Silence: A Call to Decomputerize." Journal of Social Computing 2.4 (2021): 337-356.