Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Learning and assessment environment that offers learning analytics. How does it work?

Nowadays closely monitoring of the studengs development is a must. We must analyze and evaluate behavioral and academic performance a thorough follow up and tracking students strength and weaknesses along taking up courses. We have to address students needs and enhancement,For me, learning and assesment enviorment that offers learning analytics is anecdotal records for each studens. It is not only tracking behaviora but also find out the internal conflict between students way of learning and the social factors that affects the ability to learn by the students.In an anecdotal records it could be digital or the traditional way. By these you can track your students' progress and give more, better and targetted feedback.As we wanted to target the learning competencies we have to ensure close monitoring of students over all necessity and we have to strive hard for them to learn well the Big data of the present curriculum offered by the Educational institution.


  • Shamsa Kanwal