Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Week 1: • What are the differences between testing intelligence and testing for knowledge? When might each approach be appropriate or inappropriate?

What are the differences between testing intelligence and testing for knowledge? When might each approach be appropriate or inappropriate?

Testing intelligence refers to the theory and practice of measuring people's performance on various diagnostic instruments (intelligence tests) as a tool for predicting future behavior and life prospects or as a tool for identifying interventions.

On other hand, to motivate learning objective knowledge tests given from time to time acquaint students with their level of ability & rate of progress, which may motivate further effort. 4) To determine the amount of information acquired & understanding developed in physical education.

Testing intelligence is appropriate to do it when the process is starting because in that way we understand and know about the different bits of intelligence the students have, and during the process but more at the end of the process do the test for knowledge because we need to have proofs of the process and what the students know about the class.

changing them and doing the knowledge test at the beginning and the intelligence test at the end is a complete folly since we are not using these resources in the best way, in fact, we are wasting the time of both the student and the process itself.

Example of intelligence and how it works

Nowadays, several tests have been created to test the intelligence of the individual, because as we know there are multiple intelligences such as mathematical, musical, interpersonal, among others, the exams of this type work according to the questions and their answers, we work in different ways where we can be better in some things and not so much in others.

For example, by means of a survey, we can determine the types of intelligence that predominate since from the results obtained it is determined that the intelligence that predominates in the educational centers can be, for example, the interpersonal one.


  • Irene Laurena