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GPAT Examination in Pharmacy in INDIA : implementation of a standardized test in practice

GPAT Examination in Pharmacy in INDIA is an example of the implementation of a standardized test in practice in India.


1) GPAT Test is used for a wide population of pharmacy graduates to screen for post-graduation studies.

2) Those who qualify GPAT, get the stipend for higher education.

3) Mostly it is a multiple choice question type test. Out of 04 options, one option is correct, whereas the remaining three options are not correct. 

4) It is type of select response assessment type examination

5) The test questions are the same for all students (fair exam to all students)

6) It is a fair measure to put students across the curve of inequality. 

Weaknesses : 

1) The exam is conducted as fair, the same questions to all. 

2) Students can be intelligent in different kinds of subjects, students may be good at one subject but not always.

3) Measurement of student capacity of remembering and understanding facts to be compared with other students, when each student is unique/different one...

4) Qualifying GPAT is not an assurance of understanding and mastery of subjects included in the GPAT examination.

5)  GPAT Scores don’t provide a true picture of a student’s ability.