Understanding Student Perspectives in First-Year Math/Stat Em ...

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This article is an examination of how a corequisite course structure, a community learning space (the Math Lab), and an embedded peer support program (Learning Assistants [LAs]) work in concert to support students in completing their General Education Math/Quantitative Reasoning (GE Math/QR) courses at California State University, East Bay. Surveys were conducted with all first-year GE Math/QR students in Fall 2019 (N = 676). We interviewed focal students who were placed in corequisite courses (N = 6) and focal LAs who tutored in the Math Lab and supported students while embedded in GE Math/QR courses (N = 4). Institutional data was also collected and analyzed to understand relationships between course grades, demographics, and Math Lab use. Our findings align and strengthen with studies recommending corequisite courses over developmental courses. Also, underrepresented minority (URM) students enrolled in corequisite courses succeeded at higher rates than expected. We conclude by offering specific recommendations for future work and analysis.