“Safe Zone”—The Environmental and Psychological Safe Space fo ...

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This qualitative study probes the social and psychological components of education, with an assembled investigation of the psychological and environmental safety components that are essential for students’ well-being in Thai schools. Through a purposive sampling procedure, we selected a total of forty key informants (KIs) to participate as the stakeholders. The study employed four focus group discussions (FGDs) with the teachers (n = 33) and seven in-depth interviews (n = 7) with school administrators, educational experts, a school psychologist, and teachers from public, private, and special education sectors to identify multilevel factors—individual, relationship, community, and society—and a mixture of obstacles and advantages that collectively determine Thai students’ psychological and environmental safety within a socio-ecological framework. The results illustrate the necessity for an intervention combining environmental and psychological safety for students, including components for establishing a safe space in schools. This contributes to the current practical issues of direct interest to those in the teaching profession and emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and supportive learning environment for students. The research suggests that evidence-based policies, strategies, and regulations must be first implemented to resolve the acknowledged issues and encourage beneficial outcomes for both students and staff in the educational sector. In order to create successful approaches that are culturally suitable and encourage youth resilience, it is imperative that future research involves meaningful contributions from students, implementers, and policymakers.