Janeen Delsid’s Updates

Assignment 21: Digital Media Log

When I look at my Digital Media Log, I see a busy person who sticks to a routine. I work as a server at a busy restaurant, use the internet for homework, spend a little time scheduling on the phone, and watch a little tv before bed. On the days I take off from school work I spend much less time on digital media, which I am guessing is unusaual. Many of my friends constantly refer to gaming, social media sites, or videos. I on the other hand have little to no interest in any any of theses activities, well maybe except for funny videos. I will check Facebook maybe once every two months. Given that Facebook, Moodle, and now Scholar are the only places where I could let my personality show, I would say that I am definetly myself online. I say this because I don't really share much online, and the things I do share are pictures or statements of things I care about. I have no fake online persona and have honest, genuine conversations through email or Facebook.

When thinking about whether or not I would hire someone like me my immediate response is yes, however, I might think twice if the job were stricktly related to digital media. Even then, I think that an individual without experience is still a canidate as long as they are responsible, considerate, hardworking, quick to learn, and work well with others. Given that digital media is such an intergrated part of life where I live, I think I could benefit from gaining a little more experience in the are. It would likely enhance my resume when looking for work.

Online life has enhanced my offline life in that it has made getting a higher education much easier than it would be without. This class is a great example of that. Had this class not been offered online, I probably would not had taken it. Which would likely casues my grades to suffer next semester, due to an overloaded schedule.

This course has opened my eyes to many ehtical issues online that I never really considered. However, I am sure I have been exposed to most of them at some point. For example, my ex-boyfriend has told me stories about things he has done while playing an online game called Call of Duty. Come to find out he has probably been considered a Troll in online circles. When watching the video about online racism, I wonder just how bad his behavior was and considered showing him the video we watched. I still may attempt to do so.