Brett Granborg’s Updates

  • Ethical Analysis Project Group 2 - Green Computing

    We define green computing and discuss the current state of green computing technology. We outline some green workstations, printers, and uninterruptible power supplies a tech company might purchase to go green. Finally, we construct a utilitarian ar...More

  • Personal Ethos Statement



  • Digital Media Log (Completed)


    On the internet, even on sites like Facebook where I am only in contact with my friends, I am a lurker. I never contribute to communities on Reddit, I never change my Facebook profile picture or post status updates, and I t...More

  • Assignment 19

    I chose the game League of Legends, a massive online battle area (MOBA) game which is fraught with toxicity between teammates. Often, all five players have to do well in order to ensure victory for the team, which sometimes results in an environment...More

  • Assignment 17

    By browsing random subreddits on Reddit one can see that there are forums on the site for everything. People can have free and open discussion about everything – from sports teams to music production, rock climbing, and interior decorating. Reddit g...More

  • Digital Media Log

    Date, Technology Used, Hrs., % of my Waking day, Ethical issues noticed

    Tuesday, Facebook, 3, 18, People feel free to post misogynistic/immature content in a medium where criticism is taboo since all posts you see are from your real-life acquaintan...More

  • Anti-Plagiarism Pledge

    I pledge that all work I submit will be a refection of my own ideas.

  • Assignment 10

    With so many new technologies emerging every day, the power of the average person to influence the world is growing at an alarming rate. The fastest supercomputers from 50 years ago, costing millions of dollars, are dwarfed by the computing power of...More

  • Assignment 8

    Doing business with individuals whose views on privacy are vastly different from one’s own requires finding common ground from which the two parties can reach an agreement. When handling confidential material, one should honor the privacy preference...More

  • Assignment 6

    My job requires me to write programs that automate the testing of certain features that have been implemented or certain bugs that have been fixed in the network chips the company makes. These tests are designed to detect problems as they arise, and...More