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Assignment 3 "Don't be evil"

After reading Googles "Code of Conduct" and "Ten things they know to be true" I have a better opinion of the company. If I worked for them I could anonymously report someone who is behaving unethically, which would increases the chances of the behavior being reported, and in turn may make it less likely that someone would behave unethically. I would be encouraged to work collaboritvely with my collegues, and would be expected to know any laws relevent to my postition in the company. Knowledge of the laws is crucial to be able to follow them.

In regards to what they would frown upon, Google made one statement in regards to empoloyee behavior that was really clear and as a general rule of thumb covers everything. It was something along the line of, if an action would embaress you or get you in trouble when reaching mass media, don't do it. It is a very simple and basic rule that anyone could live by (at least in regards to business). They won't allow people or their loved ones to benefit from inside knowledge, so I couldn't learn of some new advancment in technology and go tell my parents where to invest.

I like to consider myself a rather optimistic person, however, while everything I read made me like google more, I still wonder about what wasn't said. Are empoloyees held to standards that create a competivite, can't sleep or you'll lose type of atmosphere? Are search results as free of finacial influence as they make it seem?

  • Kenneth Rauen