Janeen Delsid’s Updates

  • Personal Ethos Statement



  • Assignment 21: Digital Media Log

    When I look at my Digital Media Log, I see a busy person who sticks to a routine. I work as a server at a busy restaurant, use the internet for homework, spend a little time scheduling on the phone, and watch a little tv before bed. On the days I ta...More

  • Assignment 10

    This is a very complicated and overwhelming subject. It especially gets complicated when you start to think about the global context. When the issue arises internationally which countrys' laws will be followed? Should we develope a global legal syst...More

  • Assignment 8

    I have a friend who recently returned from a two year Green Peace mission in a very small, and very remote village in South Africa. One of the first things she mentioned was the different persective on privacy. She said she never had time alone. Peo...More

  • Assignment 6

    When I was young I remember my dad finding a wallet that had a large sum of cash in the bill fold. Of course many people would have taken the cash and dropped the wallet at the police station or just kept it all together. My dad on the other hand we...More

  • Assignment 3 "Don't be evil"

    After reading Googles "Code of Conduct" and "Ten things they know to be true" I have a better opinion of the company. If I worked for them I could anonymously report someone who is behaving unethically, which would increases the chances of the behav...More

  • Assignment 1

    Over the years I have witnessed many things I consider to be unethical, and of course some things I consider to be much worse than others. For now, I will discuss an issue that many may consider minor, however when you consider medical implications,...More

  • Digital Media Log