Janeen Delsid’s Updates

Assignment 6

When I was young I remember my dad finding a wallet that had a large sum of cash in the bill fold. Of course many people would have taken the cash and dropped the wallet at the police station or just kept it all together. My dad on the other hand went out of his was to contact the owner and returned the wallet to him with all the money. He was always doing things because he feels its his duty to do the right thing.

An example for myself is when my sister asks me to babysit. Of course I love to spend time with my neice and nephew, but I am a very busy person. If I can find a way to grant her request, I do. I feel its my duty to help her out. I have no kids so I am not doing it in hopes that the favor will be returned its just something I feel is my duty as a sister and an auntie.

  • Kenneth Rauen