Arnold White’s Updates

  • Educational Tools

    A few years ago took a class and learned about Kahn Academy and I notice there were a few comments about Kahn and similar educational opportunities. The link shows a list of degree programs,...More

  • Tablets in the classroom

    Posted about an hour ago By Katie Maglia

    [Arnold White]

    @Katie, Its interesting you commented about the students having to "wait for assignments or readings to load and dealing with technology glitches". My computer just locked up and i had to res...More

  • Office Mix


    @Stephanie, Anything to minimize power point murder is a good thing. I view slides in meetings, and telephone conferences and some of theses presentations are 40 slides long. I will have to look a little deeper into this product. Anything to m...More

  • google and parents


    I think its great that google has created a tool to help students and parents stay on top of their child's school schedules. We are discovering there are many methods parents can use to stay engaged with their kids education. I often wonder if...More

  • Who am I

    I was born in Chicago and graduated High School in 1987 before joining the Air Force.  I started out as a Law Enforcement Specialist. Over 12 years I was stationed in Germany, Colorado, North Dakota, Omaha and I did a 4-month stretch in the United A...More

  • Architecture of Digital Learning

    The video helped me define some things about my own education experience. I recall being in classrooms where I sat up front and did not really understand what was being presented. Multiple conversations would erupt and I would still be lost. I was t...More