Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

The environment of learning

What do you make of Skinner's comments about free will?
Well skinner wasn't really in favour of the idea of free will and believed that desired outcomes can be achieved by awards and reinforcements. As per him, if we keep repeating the same act by giving awards like he did in case of the pigeon, it will fetch the food every time by just pushing the button.

What is the role of the teacher in the behaviorist scheme?
Even though I am not really in favour of this approach solely as this doesn't believe in the agency of oneself. But if were to think of the role of the teacher using this scheme, it seems that the teacher would accomplish the desired outcomes from his/her students by creating the environment necessary with the help of the reinforcement by rewards or punishments which is the idea of the didactic teaching or conventional teaching method.

Nature or nurture?
Even though behavioursim doesn't believe in nature I think it is a combination of both or else how come children turn out of be so different given the same environment. And this is why as per different nature, nuture should also be different .

What are the dangers and uses of intelligence tests?
Well, one of the dangers is I feel that intelligence is innate and hence you can't go beyond this area suggested by these tests. Whereas on the contrary there is research done( the book mindset) which shows that if you are truly interested in something, you will do good in that area.


Take one key concept of behaviorism, define it and provide an example of this concept in practice.

Answer: I think the environment of learning matters a lot. In my teaching expereience I have seen if the environement is free and relaxed children tend to accomplish and learn more whereas if the environment is tensed or if the teacher is not supportive, it backfires. This is also my personal expereince as a child who never spoke because there was no motivation. I have seen children doing wonders if given the positive reinforcement. 

However sometimes too much motivation backfires too. Children like to be challenged and hence the compliemnt they earn after really wokring hard motivates them to do better but if it is given too easily then they do not value it and hence dont put their hundred percent to accomplish a certain task.

  • Jocelyn Tolentino