Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Educational Psychology

Option 1

How does educational psychology contribute to our understanding? What evidence does it offer? What interpretative concepts and theories does it provide?

Educational psychology is the study of how people learn, including teaching methods, instructional processes, and individual differences in learning. It explores the cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and social influences on the learning process. Educational psychologists use this understanding of how people learn to develop instructional strategies and help students succeed in school. This branch of psychology focuses on the learning process of early childhood and adolescence. However, it also explores the social, emotional, and cognitive processes that are involved in learning throughout the entire lifespan. The field of educational psychology incorporates a number of other disciplines, including developmental psychology, behavioral psychology, and cognitive psychology. Approaches to educational psychology include behavioral, developmental, cognitive, constructivist, and experimental perspectives.

Educational Psychology draws from other fields such as neuroscience and often involves standardised testing to obtain information about children’s learning skills and abilities. This information enables us to gain insight into how children learn and process information and what their learning potential might be. And it enables us to recommend specific learning strategies and supports for home and school to help them to reach that potential.

