Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Educational pschology at lessons of biology Update#4

On start-what is educational psychology? Well educational psychology looks and research, how children and adult learns. The "father" of Educational psychology is philospoher Johann Herbart. There are 3 discpilines of educational psychology: developmental psychology, behavioral psychology and cognitive psychology. And researchers from this type of psychology are interested in different topics: educational technology and how technologies can help students learn, instructial design to make new learning materials, special education and gifted learners-how you can help them in learning processes and those, who are in between, cirriculum development and organization learning. If you want research more, you can use resources 1-3, where are more explaine about this type of psychology and why it is so important to us in noweday education.

Why I decided look up how biology and educational psychology can work together? One of aspects is deffinetly my granny, who was my biology teacher and was married to school as long as my granddad-50 years (with my grandad longer still in these days, but even she quit from school, she still helps a lot to my mum, who is bilogy teacher, too). The other one is that in biology is all sciences almost together and you can see in psychology biological aspects. So these both studies are really near to each other, becouse in biology we learn how we learn, too, what happens to our body, when we learn, how we develop, how develop nature in times. And educational psychology research about learning processies, just for humans. Biology as psychology is full of complex systems, they research and give us new knowledges and different views of world around us and world inside us.

So how we can use educational psychology on biology lessons? We can use technologies and use experiments. For example, when I was in secondary school, we took part in biological experiment competitions. One year I growed a watermelons from seeds from market. Everyday we watched air pressure, humility, temperture, wind , mesure how watermelon plant grows outside and then made diagrams about each growing month. Ofcourse, used camera, to took results and process. And after all 4 watermelons were ripe (and delicious). So we weight them, measured and again made diagrams and presentation for competition. It took a research how they are grow, why they are healthy for humans. If I do that now, I would make a little film or educational cartoon involving children. Or children could decide what plants and vegitsables they will grow and do that in class or outside. At my daughtera pre-school, they do that. And that not teaches just biology, but are actually step-by-step how we learn, just practical. You can make modules of cells, watch films about animals and human development, go to museums of nature, science parks with students and children or ask people who has profession on biology field to come and tell about that or you can visit them. In educational psychology is important that children and other age learners fill good, fill interested and grow their work with peers and teachers. Great example of it you can see in Resourse No.6. And that is really amazing to learn from students, Ofcourse, bology has its terms, what you have to learn, but you can make for students easier and show as more as possible in photos, stories from personal experiance or ask them to make projects with theme and present to class. More tips you can fin in Resources No.4 and No.5. So do not affraid from learning not just from books. Ask learners how we can do that and they will show possibilities even on most difficult themes.


1.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAvrQAyCzkc What is educational psychology?

2.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en9pTMEtaMk Owerview of educational psychology




6.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fMC-z7K0r4 The power of student-driven learning: Shelley Wright at TEDxWestVancouverED