Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Aigas Update #3

I decided to get know more about social behavior {You can see more about what is social behavior on resorce No. 1}, what we call kindness. Why kindness? Becouse it is one of character properties, what makes us humans. Before I was learning it on Coursera studies "Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms" and this course give to me insperation bew more kind and view how my behavior will apply to children, and do they will be more kind and empathic, if I will. How much I remember myself, I tried to be kind, I was empathic and felt to others on their pain or happiness. I prayed to my enemies and my bullys on teenager ages, becouse understand, that people with bad behavior are not bad people, but just lonely, sad and with anger, so to them need to be kind and empathic. But on start it took me to big fear, to be kind not just in my thoughts and silently, but show possibilites to other. I had to motivate to change my behavior to be more openminded, to get more peace in myself. And it took time. But that affect you great. As you see in resorce 5., how to motivate to change behavior, you will see, that results show, that social incentives, immediative revards {in kindness that can be yourselfs feeling, that you help and that you was there for other} and progress monotoring. You can make it to improve your emphaty and kidness on yourself and others. I remeber, that on schools we got marks just not only about knowledges, but about attitude and kindness. For children it will be more visual, like kindness calendar, when about every kind thing, what he or she did, teacher or parent put and sticker and every month, for example, children will get diploma. But at the same time kindness would be as habit, without you can not live anymore. More you can see in resorce No.3 video about how it do in schools or preschools. And there are some eassy tips on resorce No.2, what will help show your good thoughts about them know and be seen in everday life. And it will make not just feel others, but yourself feel better, too. And research are improve, that being kind affect possitive on social relationships, phisical and mental healths. You can see these results on resorces No.4, No7., No.6., No.9. And results shows that it is not just for nowadays people, but a way ago. Kindness were with us and evalutioned with us, and Darvin saw this growing in our minds. And you can see school peers thought why kindness is important to them on resorce No.8 That shows, that if you do kind things to others, they will do good things too. So that is true-to make world better need just one person-you.


1.What is social behavior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNQzWWO0SXA

2. How to be a nicer person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtQpHoU2iOw

3.The power in kindness in school: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1NYtCb8YHQ

4.We are build to be kind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsWs6bf7tvI

5.How to motivate yourself to change your behavior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp0O2vi8DX4

6.What does it mean to be kind: https://mittera.com/the-importance-of-kindness/

7. A science of kindness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9UByLyOjBM

8. Teens response on what is kindness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1vHPtyoGv0

9.The heart and science of kindness: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-heart-and-science-of-kindness-2019041816447