Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Option #2: Week 2


The social mind references the aspects of human devlopment and learning that take place in social context. Though we may be predisposed for certain capacities of learning, the social mind acknowledges that what we learn and how we learn can be greately influenced by our environment as well. As discussed in the literature provided for this weeks class, we found that we are shaped by our communities and culture. The most striking example of this was in that of the wolf children. Human beings who hadn't been socialized or influenced by human culture acted and behaved in ways that were similar to the wolves they dwelt among. Community and culture shape learning in the sense that what we are what we are repeatedly exposed to-- this can be for better or for worse. 


With respect to the social mind and how we learn, builiding off of the comment above, one cannot neglect to consider the American classroom. Children are not just being exposed to content, they are learning how to function within groups, collaborate, and problem solve in appropriate ways. They may have an inclination of these values within the family, but we see cultural norms and appropriate behavior being reinforced in the classroom. Who determines these "appropriate ways"? I would assert cultural values. How do we learn these cultural values? By the enactment of others in the group-- how we are socialized. Those who do not coform or learn socially how to be a part of the group, they typically have a harder time. I might in my individual mind have a different thought or capactiy for understanding other forms of existing and engaging in conversation, but ultimately, I am socialized and learn by what the majority is doing in the group. I do understand that this touches on other Sociological factors but believe it is worth mentioning.