e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Active Learning Concept: Research-Based Learning

Greetings, esteemed e-Learning Ecologies MOOC community members,

I am excited to introduce a captivating active learning concept that hasn't been discussed yet: Research-Based Learning. This approach empowers learners to actively engage in the research process, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Let's delve into the definition and explore how research-based learning can enhance the e-Learning experience.


Research-Based Learning (RBL) is an active learning approach that immerses learners in the investigative process, enabling them to explore and discover knowledge firsthand. It moves beyond rote memorization and encourages learners to ask questions, design inquiries, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions based on evidence. RBL nurtures curiosity, autonomy, and a sense of ownership over the learning process.


Let's consider an e-Learning platform offering courses on environmental sustainability. In a research-based learning approach, learners are presented with a problem-solving scenario:


"Imagine you are an environmental scientist tasked with designing a sustainable waste management system for a city facing an escalating waste crisis. Your goal is to minimize landfill waste and promote recycling and composting to create a greener and more sustainable environment. Your solution should consider factors like community engagement, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact."


Research Design: Learners begin by conducting background research to understand the waste management challenges faced by the city. They investigate successful waste management models from other cities worldwide to identify best practices.

Data Collection: Learners gather data through surveys, interviews, and online research, engaging with the community and stakeholders to understand their perspectives and concerns.

Data Analysis: Learners analyze the collected data, identifying patterns and potential solutions. They critically evaluate the feasibility and sustainability of various waste management approaches.

Collaborative Discussions: Learners participate in online forums or video conferences to share their findings and collaborate with peers. This promotes the exchange of diverse perspectives and fosters a sense of collective problem-solving.

Presentations: Learners create multimedia presentations, showcasing their research findings, proposed solutions, and supporting evidence. These presentations can be shared on the e-Learning platform, fostering peer review and feedback.


Research-Based Learning in this environmental sustainability course empowers learners to become active participants in finding real-world solutions. They develop valuable research and problem-solving skills while gaining a deep understanding of sustainable waste management practices.


Research-Based Learning in Higher Education: Explore how RBL has been successfully integrated into higher education settings. Read more.

Teaching and Learning with Research-Based Methods: This resource provides insights into implementing RBL strategies in online education. Link here.