e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates


Do you know you have trouble remembering names when you are first introduced to someone? Do you do something specific, like repeating it several times, to help you remember? Why do you do this? More than likely, you know this is a strategy that helps you remember the name. That is metacognition in action!

What is Metacognition

Metacognition refers to simply thinking about your thinking and learning. John Flavell first used the term “metacognition” (Flavell, 1971, 1979) and it has been extensively studied over the years, leading to the conclusion that a metacognitive approach to learning is effective (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). When you develop an awareness of how you learn and think, then you can use metacognition strategies that will help make your learning more effective and more efficient. Tailoring your learning for specific content, courses, or disciplines is powerful (Zohar & David, 2009). Additionally, metacognitive skills and strategies can be taught (Nietfeld & Shraw, 2002; Thiede, Anderson, & Therriault, 2003).

Metacognition is critical to diagnostic thinking (i.e., checking for bias, assessing treatment options, understanding the unique circumstances of the patient). Medical students and physicians should continuously assess their knowledge and skills and improve performance (Quirk, 2006). Metacognitive skills in the clerkship setting focus on continually identifying what needs to be learned and how to make it happen. It may be a surgical skill that requires time in the skills lab. It could be a lack of knowledge of a novel treatment mechanism that requires focused reading.

Applying Metacognition in Education

Using a question bank is a great way to build some metacognitive strategies. First, using a question bank can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a learner and a test-taker. Question banks also allow you to actively monitor your effectiveness in learning and testing in real-time, and therefore, modify your learning and testing strategies quickly to increase effectiveness and efficiency.



