e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates


Collaborative Intelligence is simply a collaboration that breeds intelligence. This oerformnace of tghe learners are anchored on the idea that learners are not performing as an individual but as a group. Learners often are intimidated by the working all alone, but when you place them in groups they have a higher tendency of performing better.

As teachers, we need to acknowledge this natural inclination of gthe learners if we want to harness the best of them. By placing them in a context of colalaboration, we empower them to be a social individual able to express their ideas and discern information from thier peers in the social circle.

These are some acivities that may develop the collaborative intelligence lof the learners.

Crowdsourcing involves obtaining work, information, or opinions from a large group of people who submit their data via the Internet, social media, and smartphone apps.

Peer-to-Peer Learning. This is a kind of work where students exchnage information from among them, they provide feedback, ask questions, and add information among the peers. This is one of enabling independent and responsible learning.


What is Collaborative Intelligence - The Work Innovation Lab (wpengine.com)

crowdsourcing - Search (bing.com)