e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates


Multimodality means a combination of two or more modalities to express and information. In the case of education, Multimodalities means combining different modalities in teaching the learners. When the pandemic striked, the Philippine Government incorporated different modalities just to ensure that children get the education they rightl deserved. The multimodalities include RBI or Radio-based Instruction, Video Leecture, modular and blended modality.

Digital media

Visual learning refers to the learning style that requires learners to see an image or illustration for them to grasp the concept easily and properly. This requires the teachers to go beyond the traditional way of teaching. In this case, Technology plays a very vital role. Technology provides vast resources that are visually appealing and at the same time comprehensive for the learners. When the teacher uses technology, it also makes the works easier as there are available materials open in the internet. The teacher just need to be resourceful.

Learning games refers to the transfer of physical learning activities to digital devices. Gamification of learning exeriences enhances the result of learners in terms of engagement and motivation. I have developed and application for my students that enables them to actively participate in the learning spaces. This kind of teaching approach create a balance and bridge between the interest of the learners and how the teacher can cater that interest. We know that technology and gadgets can be very distracting and can disturb the learning process, however if used properly this technology can help as deliver the needed mastery of skills and concept.