e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

metacognitive monitoring

I would like to introduce a concept of metacognitive monitoring in learning, which I believe has not been addressed yet in our discussions. Metacognition refers to the awareness and understanding of one's own cognitive processes and the ability to regulate and control them. Metacognitive monitoring specifically focuses on the active monitoring and evaluation of one's own learning progress and strategies.

Metacognitive monitoring involves being aware of what we know, what we don't know, and how well we are learning. It allows learners to reflect on their learning process, assess their comprehension, and make adjustments as needed. By engaging in metacognitive monitoring, learners can become more self-directed, identify areas of weakness, and develop effective learning strategies.

An example of metacognitive monitoring in practice is the use of self-assessment and reflection activities. Learners are encouraged to assess their own understanding of a topic, evaluate their learning strategies, and reflect on their progress. This can be done through quizzes, self-check exercises, or journaling. By actively monitoring their own learning, learners can identify gaps in their knowledge and modify their approach to learning accordingly.