e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Collective Knowledge Building in Online Communities

Dear e-Learning Ecologies MOOC community,

I am excited to introduce a concept of collaborative intelligence that has not been addressed yet: "Collective Knowledge Building in Online Communities."

Collaborative intelligence refers to the collective problem-solving and knowledge-building capabilities that emerge when individuals work together towards a common goal. In the context of online learning communities, collaborative intelligence harnesses the power of collaboration and shared expertise to enhance learning outcomes and promote deeper understanding.

An example of collaborative intelligence in practice is the use of wikis in online collaborative projects. Wikis allow learners to collaboratively create and edit content, fostering a sense of ownership and shared responsibility. Through this process, learners engage in active knowledge construction, where ideas and perspectives are contributed, refined, and synthesized by the collective intelligence of the group. As learners collaborate and build upon each other's contributions, they create a rich and dynamic repository of knowledge.