e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Iterative Feedback Loop in Online Learning

I would like to introduce a concept of recursive feedback that has not been addressed yet: "Iterative Feedback Loop in Online Learning."

The concept of the iterative feedback loop refers to the continuous cycle of providing feedback, reflecting on that feedback, and using it to improve one's learning and performance. In the context of online learning, this feedback loop becomes essential in promoting self-regulated learning and fostering metacognitive skills. It involves a recursive process where learners receive feedback on their progress, reflect on that feedback to identify strengths and areas for improvement, and then take action to make adjustments in their learning strategies and approaches.

An example of the iterative feedback loop in practice is the use of formative assessments and quizzes in online courses. These assessments provide learners with immediate feedback on their understanding of the material and allow them to gauge their progress. Learners can then reflect on this feedback, identify areas where they need to strengthen their understanding, and take appropriate actions such as revisiting specific content, seeking additional resources, or engaging in further practice activities. By continuously engaging in this feedback loop, learners can enhance their learning outcomes and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.