e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Design Thinking in Education

I would like to introduce a concept of active knowledge making that has not been addressed yet: "Design Thinking in Education." Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and iteration to tackle complex challenges. It provides a framework for students to actively engage in the learning process by identifying real-world problems, brainstorming creative solutions, and prototyping and testing their ideas.

In practice, design thinking can be applied across various disciplines. For example, in a social studies class, students can use design thinking to address a local community issue. They start by empathizing with community members to understand their needs and concerns. Then, they ideate and brainstorm potential solutions, considering different perspectives. Next, they create prototypes of their ideas and gather feedback from stakeholders. Finally, they iterate and refine their solutions based on the feedback received. This process allows students to actively apply their knowledge and skills in a meaningful and authentic context.

To illustrate this concept, I have prepared a visual infographic summarizing the key steps of design thinking in education.