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recursive feedback

In education, recursive feedback refers to the use of feedback that is iterative and ongoing, where students receive feedback on their work and use that feedback to improve subsequent work. Recursive feedback is especially effective in promoting learning because it helps students develop a growth mindset by providing guidance on how they can improve and encouraging them to try again.

In a recursive feedback loop, students receive feedback on their work from their teachers or peers and use that feedback to revise and improve their work. This improved work then becomes the input for more feedback, and the changes that were made based on feedback from the previous round can be evaluated and further improved.

Recursive feedback in education can take various forms, including written comments, grades, rubrics, formative assessments, and peer feedback. The goal is to provide students with actionable feedback that will help them improve their learning outcomes.

One advantage of recursive feedback is that it helps students develop self-regulation skills, which are essential for independent learning. By receiving regular feedback on their progress, students are encouraged to reflect on their work, set goals, and monitor their progress towards those goals. This approach encourages students to engage more deeply in their learning and provides them with a framework for self-improvement.

Recursive feedback also helps to reduce the fear of failure and increases motivation to learn. When students receive feedback that is constructive and supportive, they are more likely to embrace challenges and persevere through difficult tasks, even when there is a risk of failure.

In conclusion, recursive feedback is a powerful tool for promoting learning in education. It encourages students to engage in deep learning and self-improvement, and it helps to develop resilience and a growth mindset. By providing ongoing and iterative feedback, students can chart their progress and achieve their learning goals.