e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Digital Media

Digital Media

This is means of passing information from a sender to a receiver, in the educational section from a teacher to the learners. It’s an innovative means; a means through which a teacher can teach any subject and a means through which learners can learn such subject in a formal classroom or outside the formal classroom.

Digital Media is innovative in the sense that it goes beyond the traditional means of learning where the teacher the only custodian of knowledge stands in front of the learners’; consumers of analogue knowledge and dig out information to them to consume. But rather, digital information is transmitted through digital means such as u-tube, Videos, computers, tablets, audiobooks, cellphones from the teacher to the learners at anytime and anywhere.

Also, learners can study and interact with the transmitted digital information which may be in form of data that can be manipulated. in order to perform the activities. The learner may not necessary be in a formal classroom setting before he or she can learn. He or she can be in his or her comfort zone and receive and process the information.

For example, a physics teacher may prepare and record lesson and students activities on the topic “work energy and power” “Moment of forces” “Electric, Magnetic and gravitational fields “and send the audio version to the students and allow them to play it several times, after which they can then perform their activities after they might master the concept. The teacher can as well send the video link to the students to watch and carry out relevant activities. This modern instructional mode allows the learners to be proficient in ICT skills and make learning real and permanent with learners the producers of their own knowledge and ideas